Published June 14th, 2023
min read
Third Grade

10 Classic Books for Third Graders

Team Ello

Summer break is the perfect time for third graders to relax, explore, and dive into captivating books. To keep their young minds engaged and foster a love for reading, we have compiled a list of 10 classic books!

Summer break is the perfect time for third graders to relax, explore, and dive into captivating books. To keep their young minds engaged and foster a love for reading during summer break, we have compiled a list of 10 classic books! Most of these books can be found at your local library, anywhere books are sold, and maybe even your own shelf.

1. "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle

Join a little caterpillar's journey of transformation into a beautiful butterfly. This classic introduces days of the week and healthy eating habits through colorful illustrations and simple text.

2. "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss

Indulge in the mischievous antics of the Cat in the Hat, who brings fun and chaos into the lives of two bored children with playful rhymes and imaginative illustrations.

Classic Books For Third Graders

3. "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak 

Embark on an imaginative adventure with a young boy as he encounters wild monsters, discovering emotions and empathy through Maurice Sendak's captivating illustrations.

4. "Diary of a Worm" by Doreen Cronin

Laugh along with the witty text and expressive illustrations as a young worm navigates friendship, family, and the wonders of the natural world.

5. "Frog and Toad Are Friends" by Arnold Lobel

Join Frog and Toad on heartwarming adventures that explore the true meaning of friendship, teaching valuable lessons through relatable experiences.

Classic Books for Third Graders

6. "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White

Delve into the timeless tale of friendship, bravery, and compassion between a pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte, capturing young imaginations with rich language and memorable characters.

7. "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein

Experience the touching story of a tree's selfless love for a boy as they grow older, teaching valuable lessons about generosity and the interconnectedness of nature.

8. "Corduroy" by Don Freeman

Join Corduroy, a teddy bear searching for a loving home, on an endearing journey of friendship and acceptance, beautifully depicted through warm illustrations.

Classic Books For Third Graders - Madeline

9. "Madeline" by Ludwig Bemelmans

Follow the adventures of Madeline, a brave and spirited little girl who fearlessly faces challenges in her boarding school in Paris, captivating readers with rhymes and delightful illustrations.

10. "Strega Nona" by Tomie dePaola

Enter the enchanting world of Strega Nona, an Italian witch, and her magical pasta pot, as she guides young readers through amusing and heartwarming adventures.

Parents, you can do this! 

It's possible to prevent the summer slide and make great memories by reading these classic books for third graders. In the summertime, it's crucial to not only encourage reading, but also outdoor exploration, scientific curiosity, and creative endeavors. In doing so, you can make the most of your child's summer vacations and foster a love of learning.

“We loved Ello! I liked the encouraging feedback throughout the book. I also loved that Grayson earned points at the end for reading and also for asking questions about those tricky words. It made him feel empowered rather than “less than” for needing help..."
— Stephanie D.
Third Grade